


Hsueh-Te (Max) Lee, Ph.D. Associate Professor

辦公室 A122 # 67073

實驗室 B129,A127 # 65424,65425



歡迎加入我們的團隊! 我們的研究重點是探索血腦屏障/神經血管單位(NVU)在人類神經發育障礙、神經退化性疾病及腫瘤產生腦轉移之機制。我們的研究包括下列四個方向:

  1. 血腦屏障/神經血管單元在人類神經變性疾病中的功能作用探索,例如阿茲海默症(AD)。
  2. 探索神經血管單位(NVU)於乳癌產生腦轉移的的分子運作機制。
  3. 血腦屏障/神經血管單元調節的機制 -專注力失調及過度活躍症(ADHD)。
  4. 探索腎臟疾病引起的腦損傷之血腦屏障/神經血管單元平衡作用機制。


我們的研究重點是探索血腦屏障/神經血管單位(NVU)在人類神經發育障礙和神經退化性疾病中之功能作用;腦內之神經元,神經膠質細胞和血管的動態調節需要在腦微環境中高度串聯相互影響。在中樞神經系統和周邊循環系統之間必須保持動態平衡,包括營養物運輸和潛在有害代謝廢物清除的屏障。這種依賴於“血腦屏障/神經血管單元”(NVU)的腦部微循環的維持穩定件處理來所有這些功能。此外,我們亦有興趣研究腫瘤產生腦轉移時, NVU調節的機制。我們的研究包括下列四個方向:

  1. 血腦屏障/神經血管單元在人類神經變性疾病中的功能作用探索,例如阿茲海默症(AD)。
  2. 探索神經血管單位(NVU)於乳癌產生腦轉移的的分子運作機制。
  3. 血腦屏障/神經血管單元調節的機制 -專注力失調及過度活躍症(ADHD)。
  4. 探索腎臟疾病引起的腦損傷之血腦屏障/神經血管單元平衡作用機制。




  • 國立陽明交通大學解剖學及細胞生物學研究所副教授


  • 國立成功大學基礎醫學研究所博士


  • 2009.07-2011.10 The University of Texas MD

    Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Neurosurgery & Brain Tumor Center,

    Houston, TX, USA; Postdoctoral Fellow.

  • 2006.07-2009.06 ; 2011.11-2012.07-The

    National Cheng-Kung University Hospital, Department of Pediatrics,

    Tainan. ; Postdoctoral Fellow.


  • 2021-2023 榮獲陽明交通大學醫學院「醫學系學生網路教學評估優良教師」
  • 2013-2020 連續獲陽明大學醫學院「醫學系學生網路教學評估優良教師」
  • 2020 Global Bio & Investment 環球生技月刊 獲選43名臺灣生醫校園大師之一
  • 2016、2017及2018沈力揚教授醫學教育教師級研究與進修獎助
  • 2012-2015 國科會「延攬特殊優秀人才」補助計畫
  • 2010 The 4th Mayo Clinic Angiogenesis Symposium Micheal A. O’Connor Travel Award, USA 2010.
  • 2009 Excellent paper of Cerebrovascular Diseases Prevention and Treatment Foundation (CVDPTF)
  • 2006 Best paper Presentation Award of Faculty, Annual Meeting Neuroscience Society of Taiwan & International Stroke Symposium, 2006.
  • 2005 The Award of Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology; Dr. Chieh-Tein Hsu’s Award Oral Presentation, February, 2005.
  • 2004 The Best Paper Presentation Award. National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine Research Days on Basic Medical Sciences.
  • 2001 The Best Paper Presentation Award. Department of Physiology Research Seminars at National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine.


  • 神經血管疾病、 轉譯醫學研究模型建立、腫瘤轉移研究、神經發育障礙及退化性疾病


  • 運用重要生醫科技技術(利用細胞分子技術、光學影像、臨床與基礎科技、動物模型建立)研究神經血管單元運作機制於中樞神經血管系統之發育、退化疾病。以及在慢性腎臟病引發腦病變及乳癌產生腦轉移之動態調控機制。希望可以多方面瞭解神經血管單元在人體疾病中的調節機制以利醫療對策的運用。


  1. Onanong Mee-inta, Yu-Yi Chiang, Zi-Wei Zhao, Tzu-Feng Wang, Hsueh-Te Lee, Chih-Chung Huang, Ping-Ching Wu, Yu-Min Kuo. Enhancement of meningeal lymphatic structure and function through running exercise mitigates amyloidosis in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model, 19 April 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square. (SCI)
  2. Zhuang KR, Chen CF, Chan HY, Wang SE, Lee DH, Chen SC, Shyr BU, Chou YJ, Chen CC, Yuan SH, Chang YI, Lee HT, Fu SL. Andrographolide suppresses the malignancy of pancreatic cancer via alleviating DNMT3B-dependent repression of tumor suppressor gene ZNF382. Phytomedicine. 2024 Jul 4;132:155860. (SCI)
  3. Chih-Wei Chang, Jen-Yi Hsu, Yu-Tai Lo, Yu-Hsuan Liu, Onanong Mee-Inta, Hsueh-Te Lee, Yu-Min Kuo*, Pao-Chi Liao*. (2024 Jan) Characterization of hair metabolome in 5xFAD mice and patients with Alzheimer’s disease using mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. ACS Chem Neurosci  25. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.3c00587.
  4. Yu-Hao Huang, Wen-Ling Wang, Po-Hui Wang, Hsueh-Te Lee* , Wen-Wei Chang* (*, Corresponding  Authors). EXOSC5 maintains cancer stem cell activity in endometrial cancer by regulating the NTN4/integrin β1 signalling axis.Int J Biol Sci 2024; 20(1):265-279. (SCI)
  5. Ching-Chi Chiu, Hsueh-Te Lee, Yu-Min Kuo. Editorial: Insights in neuroinflammation and neuropathy. November 2022 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 14:1060271 MOST 109-2314-B-075-048-MY2 and 110-2320-B-A49A-508-MY3. (SCI)
  6. Ni YL, Chien PJ, Hsieh HC, Shen HT, Lee HT, Chen SM, Chang WW. Disulfiram/Copper Suppresses Cancer Stem Cell Activity in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Cells by Inhibiting BMI1 Expression. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Oct 31;23(21):13276. (SCI)
  7. Chia-Hui Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Po-An Hu, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hsuan-Yun Hu, Man-Chen Hsu, Wen-Hua Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee. Ractopamine at legal residue dosage accelerates atherosclerosis by inducing endothelial dysfunction and promoting macrophage foam cell formation. Environ Pollut. 2022 Aug 31:120080. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120080. (SCI)
  8. Wan-Hua Tsai, Chia-Hsuan Chou, Tsuei-Yin Huang, Hui-Ling Wang, Peng-Ju Chien , Wen-Wei Chang* and Hsueh-Te Lee*. Heat-Killed Lactobacilli Preparations Promote Healing in the Experimental Cutaneous Wounds  (* Corresponding author). Cells 2021, 10(11), 3264. MOST 109-2314-B-075-048-MY2 and 110-2320-B-A49A-508 -MY3. (SCI)
  9. Wen-Ling Wang, Peng-Ju Chien, Yu-Hao Huang, Guan-Ci Hong, Hsueh-Te Lee, Po-Hui Wang, Yueh-Chun Lee *, Wen-Wei Chang *. (2020, Dec). Tribbles pseudokinase 3 contributes to cancer stemness of endometrial cancer cells by regulating -catenin expression. Cancers, 2020, 12, 3785. (SCI)
  10. Po-Ming Wu, Chih-Hao Lin, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hsin-I Shih, Chao-Ching Huang, Yi-Fang Tu. Early Blood Biomarkers Distinguish Inflammation from Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemia Encephalopathy (2020, Sep). Neurochemical Research, 2020 Sep 8. doi: 10.1007/s11064-020-03119-7. Online ahead of print. (SCI)
  11. Bi-Wen Yeh, Liang-En Yu, Ching-Chia Li, Juan-Cheng Yang, Wei-Ming Li, Yang-Chang Wu, Yu-Ching Wei, Hsueh-Te Lee, Mei-Lang Kung, Wen-Jeng Wu (2020, July). The protoapigenone analog WYC0209 targets CD133+ cells: A potential adjuvant agent against cancer stem cells in urothelial cancer therapy. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2020 Sep 1; 402: 115129. (SCI)
  12. Li-Ching Lin, Hsueh-Te Lee, Peng-Ju Chien, Yu-Hao Huang, Mu-Ya Chang, Yueh-Chun Lee, Wen-Wei Chang (2020, Aug). NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1 determines radiosensitivity of triple negative breast cancer cells and is controlled by long non-coding RNA NEAT1. International Journal of Medical Sciences,2020; 17 (14): 2214-2224. (SCI)
  13. Yuh-Jen Cheng, Chao-Chi Liu, Fang-Yeh Chu, Ching-Ping Yang, Chiao-Wan Hsiao, Cheng-Wei Chuang, Ming-Yuh Shiau, Hsueh-Te Lee, Jen-Ning Tsai, Yih-Hsin Chang (2020, July). Oxygenated water inhibits adipogenesis and attenuates hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020 July 31;21 (15): 5493. (SCI)
  14. Min Hsun Kuo, Hsueh-Te Lee (2020) Decreasing the survival ability of brain metastatic breast cancer cell by targeting glucose transporter 3. The FASEB Journal 2020, 34 (S1), 1-1. (SCI)
  15. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Chia-Hui Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee (2019, Dec). Genetic deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase delays the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of neuroinflammation, 2019 Dec 17;16(1):267. MOST 104-2320-B-010-041-MY3. (SCI)(the first author)
  16. Kuo MH, Chang WW, Yeh BW, Chu YS, Lee YC, Lee HT # (2019, Dec). Glucose Transporter 3 is Essential for the Survival of Breast Cancer Cells in the Brain. Cells, 2019 Dec 4;8(12). pii: E1568. NSC 102-2320-B-010-032.  (SCI) (# Corresponding author)
  17. Kuo MH*, Lee HF*, Tu YF, Lin LH, Cheng YY, Lee HT #. (2019, Dec). (* these authors contributed equally to the work) Astaxanthin Ameliorates Ischemic-Hypoxic-Induced Neurotrophin Receptor p75 Upregulation in the Endothelial Cells of Neonatal Mouse Brains. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019 Dec 6;20(24). pii: E6168. NSC 102-2320-B-010-032. (SCI) (# Corresponding author)
  18. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee (2019, Apr). Genetic Deletion of Soluble Epoxide Hydroxylase Causes Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Mice. Molecular Neurobiology, 2019 Apr;56(4):2495-2507.  MOST 105-2320-B-010-036. (SCI) (the first author)
  19. Lee YC, Wang WL, Chang WC, Huang YH, Hong GC, Wang HL, Chou YH, Tseng HC, Lee HT, Li ST, Chen HL, Wu CC, Yang HF Wang BY, Chang WW. (2019, Jan). Tribbles Homolog 3 Involved in Radiation Response of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Regulating Notch1 Activation. Cancers (Basel), 2019, 11 (127): 1-15. MOST 106-2314-B-040-024-MY3. (SCI)
  20. Yi-Han Liao, Ya-Hui Wang, Li-Han Sun, Wen-Ting Deng, Hsueh-Te Lee, Lung Yu (2018, Sep). mGluR5 upregulation and the effects of repeated methamphetamine administration and withdrawal on the rewarding efficacy of ketamine and social interaction. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2018, 360:P 58–68. MOST 106-2410-H-006-029-MY3. (SCI)
  21. Lee YC, Chang WW, Chen YY, Tsai YH, Chou YH, Tseng HC, Chen HL, Wu CC, Chang-Chien J, Lee HT, Yang HF, Wang BY (2017, Sep). Hsp90α Mediates BMI1 Expression in Breast Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells through Facilitating Nuclear Translocation of c-Myc and EZH2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017 Sep 15;18(9). pii: E1986. MOST 106-2314-B-040-024-MY3. (SCI)
  22. Shih-Ming Chen, Bing-Yen Wang, Che-Hsin Lee, Hsueh-Te Lee, Jung-Jung Li, Guan-Ci Hong, Yu-Chieh Hung, Peng-Ju Chien, Che-Ying Chang, Li-Sung Hsu and Wen-Wei Chang (2017, Sep). Hinokitiol up-regulates miR-494-3p to suppress BMI1 expression and inhibits self-renewal of breast cancer stem/ progenitor cells. Oncotarget, 29; 8(44): 76057–76068.MOST 103-2314-B- 040-015-MY3. (SCI)
  23. Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Hsueh-Te Lee, Feng-Chuan Tsai, Tzong-Shyuan Lee (2017, May). Loss of Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Channel Deregulates Emotion, Learning and Memory, Cognition, and Social Behavior in Mice. Molecular Neurobiology, 2017 Jul;54(5):3606-3617. MOST 104-2320-B- 010-041-MY3. (SCI)
  24. Kuan-I Lee, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Huey-Jen Tsay, Feng-Chuan Tsai, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee (2016, Apr). Role of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2016 Apr 27;13(1):92. MOST 104-2320-B-010-041-MY3. (SCI)
  25. Kuan-Ta Lu, Bing-Yen Wang, Wan-Yu Chi, Ju Chang-Chien, Jiann-Jou Yang, Hsueh-Te Lee, Yew-Min Tzeng, Wen-Wei Chang (2016, Apr). Ovatodiolide Inhibits Breast Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells through SMURF2- Mediated Downregulation of Hsp27. Toxins, 2016 Apr 28;8(5). pii: E127. MOST 103- 2113-M-324-001-MY2. (SCI)
  26. Xue J, Zhou A, Tan C, Wu Y, Lee HT, Li W, Xie K, Huang S. (2015, Jul). Forkhead Box M1 Is Essential for Nuclear Localization of Glioma-associated Oncogene Homolog 1 in Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells by Promoting Importin- 7 Expression. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015 Jul 24;290(30):18662- 70. (SCI)
  27. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Kuo-Yun Lu, Yuan-Bin Yu, Hsueh-Te Lee, and Feng-Chuan Tsai. (2015, Jun). β Common Receptor Mediates Erythropoietin-Conferred Protection on OxLDL-Induced Lipid Accumulation and Inflammation in Macrophages.  Mediators of Inflammation, 2015;2015:439759. NSC 99-2320- B-010-017-MY3. (SCI)
  28. Yueh-Chun Lee, Cheng-Chia Yu, Chih Lan, Che-Hsin Lee, Hsueh-Te Lee, Yu- Liang Kuo, Po-Hui Wang, Wen-Wei Chang (2015, May). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 regulates tumor initiating cell properties in head and neck cancers.  Head & Neck, 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1: E895-904. MOST 103-2314-B-040-015- MY3. (SCI)
  29. Hsueh-Te Lee*, Jianfei Xue*, Ping-Chieh Chou, Aidong Zhou, Phillip Yang, Charles A. Conrad, Kenneth D. Aldape, Waldemar Priebe, Cam Patterson, Raymond Sawaya, Keping Xie and Suyun Huang (2015, Mar). Stat3 orchestrates interaction between endothelial and tumor cells and inhibition of Stat3 suppresses brain metastasis of breast cancer cells. Oncotarget, 2015 Apr 30;6(12):10016-29.  NSC 102-2320-B-010-032. (SCI) (* the first author)
  30. Yi-Fang Tu, Chih-Hao Lin, Hsueh-Te Lee, Jing-Jou Yan, Chun-I Sze, Ya-Ping Chou, Chien-Jung Ho, Chao-Ching Huang. (2015, Mar). Elevated cerebrospinal fluid endothelin 1 associated with neurogenic pulmonary edema in children with enterovirus 71 encephalitis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2015 May;34:105-11. NSC 98-2314-B-006-009. (SCI)
  31. Chin-Wei Chiang*, Hsueh-Te Lee*, Der Cherng Tarng, Ko-Lin Kuo, Tzong- Shyuan Lee and Li-Ching Cheng (* these authors contributed equally to the work) (2015, Jan). Genetic Deletion of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Attenuates Inflammation and Fibrosis in Experimental Obstructive Nephropathy. Mediators of Inflammation, 2015;2015:693260. NSC 101-2628-B-010-001-MY3. (SCI)(* the first author)
  32. C.-Y. Tsou*, C.-Y. Chen*, J.-F. Zhao, K.-H. Su, H-T. Lee, S.-J. Lin, S.-K. Shyue, S.-H. Hsiao and T.-S. Lee (* these authors contributed equally to the work) (2014, Feb). Activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase prevents foam cell formation and atherosclerosis. Acta Physiologica, 2014 Apr;210(4):799-810. NSC 99-2320-B-010-017-MY3. (SCI)
  33. Zhang N, Wei P, Gong A, Chiu WT, Lee HT, Colman H, Huang H, Xue J, Liu M, Wang Y, Sawaya R, Xie K, Yung WK, Medema RH, He X, Huang S. FoxM1 promotes β-catenin nuclear localization and controls Wnt target-gene expression and glioma tumorigenesis. Cancer Cell. 2011 Oct 18;20(4):427-42 (SCI).
  34. Chiu WT*, Lee HT*, Huang FJ, Aldape KD, Yao J, Steeg PS, Chou CY, Lu Z, Xie K, Huang S. (* the authors are equally contributed to this study). Caveolin-1 upregulation mediates suppression of primary breast tumor growth and brain metastases by stat3 inhibition. Cancer Res. 2011 Jul 15;71(14):4932-43 (SCI). (* the first author)
  35. Hsueh-Te Lee, Ying-Chao Chang, Yi-Fang Tu, Chao-Ching Huang. CREB Activation Mediates VEGF-A’s Protection of Neurons and Cerebral Vascular Endothelial Cells. J Neurochem, 2010, 113:79-91. (SCI). (the first author)
  36. Hsueh-Te Lee, Ying-Chao Chang, Yi-Fang Tu and Chao-Ching Huang. VEGF-A /VEGFR-2 signaling leading to CREB phosphorylationis a shared pathway underlying the protective effect of preconditioning on neurons and endothelial cells. J. Neurosci., 2009, 29(14): 4356-436. (SCI). (the first author)
  37. Wan-Ying Lin, Ying-Chao Chang, Hsueh-Te Lee, Chao-Ching Huang. CREB activation in the rapid, intermediated, and delayed ischemic preconditioning against hypoxic-ischemia in neonatal rat. J Neurochem, 2009, 108:847-859. (SCI).
  38. Kuo YM, Liang KC, Chen HH, Cherng CG, Lee HT, Lin Y, Huang AM, Liao RM, Yu L. Cocaine-but not methamphetamine-associated memory requires de novo protein synthesis. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 2007, 87:93-100. (SCI).
  39. Ying-Chao Chang, Shun-Fen Tzeng, Lung Yu, A-Min Huang, Hsueh-Te Lee, Chao-Ching Huang, Chien-Jung Ho. Early-life fluoxetine exposure reduced functional deficits after hypoxic-ischemia brain injury in rat pups. Neurobiology of Disease. 2006, 24(1):101-13. (SCI).
  40. Hsueh-Te Lee, Ying-Chao Chang, Lin-Yu Wang, Shan-Tair Wang, Chao-Ching Huang, Chien-Jung Ho. cAMP response element-binding protein activation in ligation preconditioning in neonatal brain. Annals of Neurology. 2004, 56(5):611-23. (SCI). (the first author)
  41. Hsueh-Te Lee, Li-Li Chiu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ling Tsai, Lee-Young Chau. Dietary iron restriction increases plaque stability in apolipoprotein-E-deficient mice. Journal of Biomedical Science. 2003, 10(5):510-7. (SCI). (the first author)

International Conference:

  1. Wen-wei Chang, Miss Hui-Yu Jiang, Wan-Hua Tsai, Hsueh-Te Lee * Anti-cancer effects of extracellular vesicles from a Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain in triple negative breast cancer cells. The ISEV2024 Annual Meeting (MELBOURNE, ASTRALIA). NSC 110-2320-B-A49A-508 -MY3
  2. Yu-Hao Huang, Wen-Wei Chang*, Hsueh-Te Lee * (*, Corresponding  Authors) EXOSC5 maintains cancer stem cell activity in endometrial cancer by regulating the NTN4/integrin β1 signalling axis. Japanese Cancer Association (JCA), Japan, 2023. NSTC 110-2320-B-A49A-508 -MY3
  3. Min-Hsun Kuo and Hsueh-Te Lee. Decreasing the survival ability of brain metastatic breast cancer cell by targeting glucose transporter 3. EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 2020, USA. MOST 109-2914-I-010-003-A1.
  4. Hsuan-Yun Hu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hsueh-Te Lee (2019, Oct). Role of soluble epoxide hydrolase in Alzheimer’s disease progression. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2019, Chicago. MOST 108-2922-I-010-052.
  5. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee (2017, Apr). Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel in regulating emotion,learning and memory, cognition, and social behavior of mice. EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 2017, USA. MOST 104-2320-B-010-041-MY3.
  6. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Tzong-Shyuan Lee (2016, Nov). Role of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels in Alzheimer’s disease. 2016 Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, USA. MOST 104-2320-B-010-041-MY3.
  7. Feng-Chuan Tsai, Yu-Yieh Hsiao, Hsueh-Te Lee (2015, Oct). N-terminal Functional Inhibition of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Attenuates Microglia Activation. 2015 Society of Neuroscience, Chicago.


  • 2011 國立中山大學生醫所演講
  • 2011 國立台灣大學生理所演講
  • 2011 國立清華大學分子與細胞生物研究所演講
  • 2011 國立成功大學行為醫學所演講
  • 2012 陽明大學腦科學中心演講
  • 2013 生醫年會解剖學學會研討會演講
  • 2013 輔仁大學基礎醫學研究所演講
  • 2015 生醫年會解剖學學會研討會演講
  • 2015 陽明大學醫技系演講
  • 2015 解剖學學會第三次解剖學會教學研討會演講
  • 2017 飛資得-3D數位解剖演講
  • 2019 生醫年會解剖學學會研討會演講
  • 2019 陽明大學醫學院生理所演講
  • 2020 國立成功大學解剖所演講
  • 2021 國立政治大學神經科學研究所演講
  • 2023 中研院跨領域神經科學-國際研究生博士班學程(TIGP-INS) 演講


  • 黃俞皓 ( Alex, Yu-Hao Huang;與中山醫學大學張文瑋教授共同指導),  --2023, 李天德醫藥基金會壁報優等獎  EXOSC5 maintains cancer stem cell activity in endometrial cancer by regulating the NTN4/integrin β1 signalling axis.  2023 37屆  生物醫學聯合學術年會. --2023, JCA Travel Award. EXOSC5 maintains cancer stem cell activity in endometrial cancer by regulating the NTN4/integrin β1 signalling axis.The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association.
  • 胡瑄云 (Cher, Hsuan-Yun Hu):
    2015 生醫年會壁報佳作
    Role of sEH in breast cancer brain metastasis
    2018 中研院&陽明大學分子醫學研討會壁報優選
    Suppression of Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Ameliorate Phagocytosis Ability of in Astrocytes
  • 蔡豐全 (John, Feng-Chuan Tsai):
    Role of sEH in microglia maturation in Hypoxia-ischemic brain.