


Tien-Shun Yeh, Ph.D. Professor

辦公室 A114 # 67070

實驗室 B118,B120 # 65417,65418



歡迎來到我們的實驗室! 腫瘤形成和轉移的過程非常複雜,腫瘤的轉移是造成90%的癌症病患死亡的原因。本實驗室長遠的目標是探討腫瘤進程的分子機制,未來能發展出新的腫瘤治療標的和治療策略。


  • 腫瘤形成及轉移的調控機制之探討
  • 代謝產物在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
  • Notch 受體訊號傳遞路徑在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
  • 抗癌藥物篩選




  • 1991-1996: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 博士
  • 1990-1991: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 碩士


  • 2009-現在: 國立陽明交通大學 解剖學及細胞生物學研究所 專任教授
  • 2012-現在: 國立陽明交通大學 生化暨分子生物研究所 合聘教授
  • 2009-現在: 台北醫學大學 醫學科學研究所 兼任教授


  • 2017-2018: 國立陽明大學 學生事務處 副學務長
  • 2017-2018: 國立陽明大學 學生事務處 住宿輔導組 組長
  • 2012-2015: 解剖學及細胞生物學研究所 所長 及 解剖學及細胞生物學科 主任
  • 2012-2012: 國立陽明大學 學生事務處 生活輔導組 組長
  • 2006-2009: 國立陽明大學 解剖學及細胞生物學研究所 副教授
  • 2005-2006: 台北醫學大學 細胞及分子生物研究所 副教授
  • 2000-2005: 台北醫學大學 細胞及分子生物研究所 助理教授
  • 1998-2000: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 博士後研究員
  • 1997-1998: 財團法人生物技術開發中心 微生物組 研究員
  • 1996-1997: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 博士後研究員


  • 2019: 榮獲「107年度良師益友導師」(國立陽明大學)
  • 2005: 榮獲九十三學年度「學術研究獎」--年度研究成就獎 (臺北醫學大學)
  • 2005: 榮獲九十三學年度「研究論文獎」--優良獎 (臺北醫學大學)
  • 2004: 榮獲「李鎮源教授學術基金會優秀論文獎」(臺灣醫學會)
  • 2004: 榮獲「研究發展獎助計畫」(三年,國家衛生研究院)
  • 1999: Junior Investigator Travel Award (6th International Symposium on Hepatitis C & Related Viruses, Bethesda, Maryland)
  • 1997: 榮獲「基礎科學研究生優良論文獎」(中華文化復興運動總會科學技術委員會)
  • 1992: 榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」(國立陽明大學)


  • 腫瘤生物學、幹原細胞學、細胞訊息傳遞路徑、細胞生物學、分子生物學


  • 腫瘤形成及轉移的調控機制之探討
  • 代謝產物在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
  • Notch 受體訊號傳遞路徑在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
  • 抗癌藥物篩選


  1. Wang, S.-F., Chang, Y.-L., Fang, W.-L., Li, A. F.-Y., Chen, C.-F., Yeh, T.-S., Hung, G.-Y., Huang, K.-H., Lee, H.-C. 2023. Growth differentiation factor 15 induces cisplatin resistance through upregulation of xCT expression and glutathione synthesis in gastric cancer. Cancer Science, in press (DOI: 10.1111/cas.15869)
  2. Chen, M.-C., Hsu, L.-L., Wang, S.-F., Pan, Y.-L., Lo, J.-F., Yeh, T.-S., Tseng, L.-M., Lee, H.-C. 2021. Salubrinal enhances cancer cell death during glucose deprivation through the upregulation of xCT and mitochondrial oxidative stress. Biomedicines 9(9): 1101
  3. Wang, S.-F., Huang, K.-H., Tseng, W.-C., Lo, J.-F., Li, A.F.-Y., Fang, W.-L., Chen, C.-F, Yeh, T.-S., Chang, Y.-L., Chou, Y.-C, Hung, H.-H., Lee, H.-C.. DNAJA3/Tid1 is required for mitochondrial DNA maintenance and regulates migration and invasion of human gastric cancer cells. Cancers 2020; 12(11):3463 (SCI).
  4. Wang, I.-H., Huang, T.-T., Chen, J.-L., Chu, L.-W., Ping, Y.-H., Hsu, K.-W., Huang, K.-H., Fang, W.-L., Lee, H.-C., Chen, C.-F., Liao, C.-C., Hsieh, R.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2020. Mevalonate pathway enzyme HMGCS1 contributes to gastric cancer progression. Cancers 12(5): 1088, 2020.
  5. Hua, K., Chen, Y.-T., Chen, C.-F., Tang, Y.-S., Huang, T.-T., Lin, Y.-C., Yeh, T.-S., Huang, K.-H., Lee, H.-C., Hsu, M.-T., Chi, C.-W., Wu, C.-W., Lin, C.-H., and Ping, Y.-H. 2018. MicroRNA-23a/27a/24-2 cluster promotes gastric cancer cell proliferation synergistically. Oncol Lett. 16(2): 2319-2325.
  6. Wang, S.-F., Wung, C.-H., Chen, M.-S., Chen, C.-F., Yin, P.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Chang, Y.-L., Chou, Y.-C., Hung, H.-H., Lee, H.-C. 2018 Activated integrated stress response induced by salubrinal promotes cisplatin resistance in human gastric cancer cells via enhanced xCT expression and glutathione biosynthesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19, 3389.
  7. Huang, K.-H., Sung, I.-C., Fang, W.-L., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, H.-C., Yin, P.-H., Li, A.-F., Wu, C.-W., Shyr, Y.-M., Yang, M.-H. 2018. Correlation between HGF/c-Met and Notch1 signaling pathways in human gastric cancer cells. Oncol. Rep. 40(1): 294-302.
  8. Chen, J.-L., Ping, Y.-H., Tseng, M.-J., Chang, Y.-I., Lee, H.-C., Hsieh, R.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2017. Notch1-promoted TRPA1 expression in erythroleukemic cells suppresses erythroid but enhances megakaryocyte differentiation. Sci. Reports 7:42883.
  9. Chen, M.-S., Wang, S.-F., Hsu, C.-Y., Yin, P.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, H.-C., and Tseng, L.-M. 2017. CHAC1 degradation of glutathione enhances cystine-starvation induced necroptosis and ferroptosis in human triple negative breast cancer cells via the GCN2-eIF2α-ATF4 pathway. Oncotarget 8(70): 114588-114602.
  10. Yeh, T.-C., Huang, T.-T., Yeh, T.-S., Chen, Y.-R., Hsu, K.-W., Yin, P.-H., Lee, H.-C., Tseng, L.-M. 2016. miR-151-3p targets TWIST1 to repress migration of human breast cancer cells. PLoS One 11(12):e0168171
  11. Tsai, S.-Y., Chung, P.-C., Owaga, EE, Tsai, I.-J., Wang, P.-Y., Tsai, J.-I., Yeh, T.-S., Hsieh, R.-H. 2016. Alpha-mangostin from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) pericarp extract reduces high fat-diet induced hepatic steatosis in rats by regulating mitochondria function and apoptosis. Nutr. Metab. 13:88.
  12. Wang, S.-F., Chen, M.-S., Chou, Y.-C., Ueng, Y.-F., Yin, P.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, H.-C. 2016. Mitochondrial dysfunction enhances cisplatin resistance in human gastric cancer cells via the ROS-activated GCN2-eIF2α-ATF4-xCT pathway. Oncotarget 7(45):74132-74151.
  13. Hsu, K.-W., Fang, W.-L., Huang, K.-H., Huang, T.-T., Lee, H.-C., Hsieh, R.-H., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2016. Notch1 pathway-mediated microRNA-151-5p promotes gastric cancer progression. Oncotarget 7(25):38036-38051.
  14. Huang, T.-T., Ping, Y.-H., Wang, A.-M., Ke, C.-C., Fang, W.-L., Huang, K.-H., Lee, H.-C., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2015. The reciprocal regulation loop of Notch2 pathway and miR-23b in controlling gastric carcinogenesis. Oncotarget 6(20):18012-18026.
  15. Hsu, C.-C., Wu, L.-C., Hsia, C.-Y., Yin, P.-H., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S., and Lee, H.-C. 2015. Energy metabolism determines the sensitivity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells to mitochondrial inhibitors and biguanide drugs. Oncol. Rep. 34(3):1620-1628.
  16. Wang, A.-M., Huang, T.-T., Hsu, K.-W., Huang, K.-H., Fang, W.-L., Yang, M.-H., Lo, S.-S., Chi, C.-W., Lin, J.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2014. Yin Yang 1 is a target of microRNA-34 family and contributes to gastric carcinogenesis. Oncotarget 5(13):5002-5016
  17. Hsu, K.-W., Wang, A.-M., Ping, Y.-H., Huang, K.-H., Huang, T.-T., Lee, H.-C., Lo, S.-S., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2014. Down-regulation of tumor suppressor MBP-1 by microRNA-363 in gastric carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis 35(1):208-217.
  18. Lee, H.-C., Huang, K.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Chi, C.-W. 2014. Somatic alterations in mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial dysfunction in gastric cancer progression. World J. Gastroenterol. 20(14):3950-3959
  19. Hsu, K.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Huang, K.-H, Li, A. F.-Y., Chi, C.-W., Wang, T.-Y., Tseng, M.-J., Wu, K.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2012. Activation of the Notch1/STAT3/Twist signaling axis promotes gastric cancer progression. Carcinogenesis 33(8):1459-1467.
  20. Tseng, Y.-C., Tsai, Y.-H., Tseng, M.-J., Hsu, K.-W., Yang, M.-C., Huang, K.-H., Li, A.F.-Y., Chi, C.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Ku, H.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2012. Notch2-induced COX-2 expression enhancing gastric cancer progression. Mol. Carcinogenesis 51(12):939-951.
  21. Chung, L.-Y., Tang, S.-J., Sun, G-H., Chou, T.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Yu, S.-L., Sun, K.-H. 2012. Galectin-1 promotes lung cancer progression and chemoresistance by upregulating p38 MAPK, ERK, and cyclooxygenase-2. Clin. Cancer Res. 18(15):4037-4047.
  22. Lin, Y.-T., Ding, J.-Y., Li, M.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Wang, T.-W., Yu, J.-Y. 2012. YAP regulates neuronal differentiation through Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway. Exp. Cell Res. 318(15):1877-1888.
  23. Chiu, L.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Huang, H.-M., Lu, S.-J., Yang, C.-B., Tsai, Y.-H. 2012. Diverse effects of type II collagen on osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 227(6):2412-2420.
  24. Lin, Y.-F., Yeh, T.-S., Chen, S.-F., Tsai, Y.-H., Chou, C.-M., Yang, Y.-Y., Huang, H.-M. 2010. Non-muscle myosin IIA (MyH9): a novel class of signal transducer mediating the activation of Gαh/PLC-δ1 pathway. Endocrinol. 151(3):876-885.
  25. Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Wu, C.-W., Hsu, K.-W., Liao, W.-J., Yang, M.-C., Li, A.F.-Y., Wang, A.-M., Kuo, M.-L., Chi, C.-W. 2009. The activated Notch1 signal pathway is associated with gastric cancer progression through COX-2. Cancer Res. 69(12): 5039-5048.
  26. Hsu, K.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Wu, C.-W., Chi, C.-W., Lee, Y.-H. W., Kuo, M.-L., Wu, K.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2009. MBP-1 suppresses growth and metastasis of gastric cancer cells through COX-2. Mol. Biol. Cell 20(24): 5127-5137.
  27. Hwu, Y.-M., Li, S.-H., Lee, R. K.-K., Lin, M.-H., Tsai, Y.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2009. Luteinizing hormone increases platelet-derived growth factor-D gene expression in human granulosa-luteal cells. Fertil. Steril. 92(6): 2065-2068.
  28. Wang, A.-M., Ku, H.-H., Liang, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-C., Hwu, Y.-M., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2009. The autonomous Notch signal pathway is activated by baicalin and baicalein but is suppressed by niclosamide in K562 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 106(4): 682-692.
  29. Jeng, J.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Chiu, Y.-H., Lee, Y.-C., Cheng, H.-H., Hsieh, R.-H. 2009. Linoleic acid promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and maintains mitochondrial structure for prevention of streptozotocin damage in RIN-m5F cells. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73(6): 1262-1267.
  30. Hsu, K.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Lee, Y.-H. W., Chao, C.-H., Wu, K.-J., Tseng, M.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2008. The activated Notch1 receptor cooperates with -enolase and MBP-1 in modulating c-myc activity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 28(15): 4829-4842.
  31. Hwu, Y.-M., Li, S.-H., Lee, R. K.-K., Tsai, Y.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Lin, S.-Y. 2008. Increased expression of platelet-derived growth factor C messenger ribonucleic acid in uterine leiomyomata. Fertil. Steril. 89(2): 468-471.
  32. Jeng, J.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, J.-W., Lin, S.-H., Fong, T.-H., Hsieh, R.-H. 2008. Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA copy number and expression are essential for preservation of mitochondrial function and cell growth. J. Cell. Biochem. 103(2): 347-357.
  33. Lin, Y.-W., Lien, L.-M., Yeh, T.-S., Wu, H.-M., Liu, Y.-L., Hsieh, R.-H. 2008. 9-cis retinoic acid induces retinoid X receptor localized to the mitochondria for mediation of mitochondrial transcription. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 377(2): 351-354.
  34. Hsu, K.-W., Wang, A.-M., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2008. 刻痕受體(Notch receptor)在腫瘤發生中的角色. BioMedicine 1: 17-23. (in Chinese)
  35. Liao, W.-R., Hsieh, R.-H., Hsu, K.-W., Wu, M.-Z., Tseng, M.-J., Mai, R.-T., Lee, Y.-H. W., Yeh T.-S. (corresponding author). 2007. The CBF1-independent Notch1 signal pathway activates human c-myc expression partially via transcription factor YY1. Carcinogenesis 28(9): 1867-1876.
  36. Mai, R.-T., Yeh, T.-S., Kao, C.-F. Sun, S.-K., Hwang, H.-H., and Lee, Y.-H. W. 2006. Hepatitis C virus core protein recruits nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 and coactivator p300 to relieve the repression effect of transcriptional factor YY1 on B23 gene expression. Oncogene 25(3): 448-462.
  37. Shen, W.-W., Liu, C.-H., Yang, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, K.-P., Yeh, T.-S., Leu, S.-J. 2006. Anti-heat shock protein 90 is increased in acute mania. Aust. N. Z. J. Psychiatry 40(8): 712-716.
  38. Au, H.-K., Yeh, T.-S., Kao, S.-H., Shih, C.-M., Hsieh, R.-H., and Tzeng, C.-R. 2005. Calcium-dependent upregulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells. Fertil. Steril. 84: 1104-1108.
  39. Au, H.-K., Lin, S.-H., Huang, S.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Tzeng, C.-R., and Hsieh, R.-H. 2005. Deleted mitochondrial DNA in human luteinized granulosa cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1042: 136-141.
  40. Au, H.-K., Yeh, T.-S., Kao, S.-H., Tzeng, C.-R., and Hsieh, R.-H. 2005. Abnormal mitochondrial structure in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1042: 177-185.
  41. Yeh, T.-S., Ho, J.-D., Yang, V. W.-C., Tzeng, C.-R., and Hsieh, R.-H. 2005. Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1042: 157-162.
  42. Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Hsieh, R.-H., Shen, S.-C., Wang, S.-H., Tseng, M.-J., Shih, C.-M., and Lin, J.-J. 2004. Nuclear II–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling. Cancer Res. 64: 8334-8340.
  43. Hsieh, R.-H., Au, H.-K., Yeh, T.-S., Chang, S.-J., Cheng, Y.-F, and Tzeng, C.-R. 2004. Decreased expression of mitochondrial genes in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos. Fertil. Steril. 81: 912-918.
  44. Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Lin, Y.-M., Hsieh, R.-H., and Tseng, M.-J. 2003. Association of transcription factor YY1 with high-molecular-weight Notch complex suppresses the transactivation activity of Notch. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 41963-41969.
  45. You, L.-R., Chen, C.-M., Yeh, T.-S., Tsai, T.-Y., Mai, R.-T., Lin, C.-H., and Lee, Y.-H. Wu. 1999. Hepatitis C virus core protein interacts with cellular putative RNA helicase. J. Virol. 73: 2841-2853.
  46. Yeh, T.-S., and Lee, Y.-H. W. 1998. Assembly of hepatitis delta virus particles: package of multimeric HDV genomic RNA and role of phosphorylation. Virology 249: 12-20.
  47. Yeh, T.-S., Lo, S. J., Chen, P.-J., and Lee, Y.-H. W. 1996. Casein kinase II and protein kinase C modulate the hepatitis delta virus RNA replication but not empty viral particle assembly. J. Virol. 70: 6190-6198.


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  • 20021021 Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences: The Genome-Phenome Link (Program for Advanced Studies Institute Conference, Australia) 演講


  • 2020年: 指導研究生王意涵榮獲「分子醫學新知研討會口頭報告競賽」--博士班第二名
  • 2017年: 指導研究生陳紀琳榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--博士班第一名(解剖學學會)
  • 2016年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--博士班優等獎(國立陽明大學)
  • 2016年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--博士班第一名(解剖學學會)
  • 2016年: 指導研究生王意涵榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第三名(解剖學學會)
  • 2015年: 指導研究生黃沛恩榮獲「碩、博士班研究生壁報論文競賽」--碩士班佳作 (解剖學學會)
  • 2014年: 指導研究生柯嘉琪榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班佳作 (解剖學學會)
  • 2012年: 指導研究生許瓊月榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--(國立陽明大學)
  • 2012年: 指導研究生王安民榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--博士班第三名(解剖學學會)
  • 2011年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--佳作獎(國立陽明大學)
  • 2011年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第二名(解剖學學會)
  • 2010年: 指導研究生陳盈璇榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--碩士班優等獎(國立陽明大學)
  • 2010年: 指導研究生陳盈璇榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第一名(解剖學學會)
  • 2009年: 指導研究生許凱文榮獲第六屆「財團法人台北市林榮耀教授學術教育基金會論文獎」--壁報展示獎
  • 2009年: 指導研究生曾芸倩榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第三名(解剖學學會)
  • 2008年: 指導研究生廖婉容榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--佳作獎(國立陽明大學)
  • 2008年: 指導研究生廖婉容榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第一名(解剖學學會)
  • 2004年: 指導研究生王淑慧榮獲「創辦人胡水旺先生獎學金」(臺北醫學大學)