歡迎來到我們的實驗室! 腫瘤形成和轉移的過程非常複雜,腫瘤的轉移是造成90%的癌症病患死亡的原因。本實驗室長遠的目標是探討腫瘤進程的分子機制,未來能發展出新的腫瘤治療標的和治療策略。
- 腫瘤形成及轉移的調控機制之探討
- 代謝產物在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
- Notch 受體訊號傳遞路徑在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
- 抗癌藥物篩選
- 1991-1996: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 博士
- 1990-1991: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 碩士
- 2009-現在: 國立陽明交通大學 解剖學及細胞生物學研究所 專任教授
- 2012-現在: 國立陽明交通大學 生化暨分子生物研究所 合聘教授
- 2009-現在: 台北醫學大學 醫學科學研究所 兼任教授
- 2017-2018: 國立陽明大學 學生事務處 副學務長
- 2017-2018: 國立陽明大學 學生事務處 住宿輔導組 組長
- 2012-2015: 解剖學及細胞生物學研究所 所長 及 解剖學及細胞生物學科 主任
- 2012-2012: 國立陽明大學 學生事務處 生活輔導組 組長
- 2006-2009: 國立陽明大學 解剖學及細胞生物學研究所 副教授
- 2005-2006: 台北醫學大學 細胞及分子生物研究所 副教授
- 2000-2005: 台北醫學大學 細胞及分子生物研究所 助理教授
- 1998-2000: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 博士後研究員
- 1997-1998: 財團法人生物技術開發中心 微生物組 研究員
- 1996-1997: 國立陽明大學 生物化學研究所 博士後研究員
2019: 榮獲「107年度良師益友導師」(國立陽明大學)
- 2005: 榮獲九十三學年度「學術研究獎」--年度研究成就獎 (臺北醫學大學)
- 2005: 榮獲九十三學年度「研究論文獎」--優良獎 (臺北醫學大學)
- 2004: 榮獲「李鎮源教授學術基金會優秀論文獎」(臺灣醫學會)
- 2004: 榮獲「研究發展獎助計畫」(三年,國家衛生研究院)
- 1999: Junior Investigator Travel Award (6th International Symposium on Hepatitis C & Related Viruses, Bethesda, Maryland)
- 1997: 榮獲「基礎科學研究生優良論文獎」(中華文化復興運動總會科學技術委員會)
- 1992: 榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」(國立陽明大學)
- 腫瘤生物學、幹原細胞學、細胞訊息傳遞路徑、細胞生物學、分子生物學
- 腫瘤形成及轉移的調控機制之探討
- 代謝產物在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
- Notch 受體訊號傳遞路徑在腫瘤及癌幹細胞所扮演角色之探討
- 抗癌藥物篩選
Wang, S.-F., Chang, Y.-L., Fang, W.-L., Li, A. F.-Y., Chen, C.-F., Yeh, T.-S., Hung, G.-Y., Huang, K.-H., Lee, H.-C. 2023. Growth differentiation factor 15 induces cisplatin resistance through upregulation of xCT expression and glutathione synthesis in gastric cancer. Cancer Science, in press (DOI: 10.1111/cas.15869)
Chen, M.-C., Hsu, L.-L., Wang, S.-F., Pan, Y.-L., Lo, J.-F., Yeh, T.-S., Tseng, L.-M., Lee, H.-C. 2021. Salubrinal enhances cancer cell death during glucose deprivation through the upregulation of xCT and mitochondrial oxidative stress. Biomedicines 9(9): 1101
Wang, S.-F., Huang, K.-H., Tseng, W.-C., Lo, J.-F., Li, A.F.-Y., Fang, W.-L., Chen, C.-F, Yeh, T.-S., Chang, Y.-L., Chou, Y.-C, Hung, H.-H., Lee, H.-C.. DNAJA3/Tid1 is required for mitochondrial DNA maintenance and regulates migration and invasion of human gastric cancer cells. Cancers 2020; 12(11):3463 (SCI).
Wang, I.-H., Huang, T.-T., Chen, J.-L., Chu, L.-W., Ping, Y.-H., Hsu, K.-W., Huang, K.-H., Fang, W.-L., Lee, H.-C., Chen, C.-F., Liao, C.-C., Hsieh, R.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2020. Mevalonate pathway enzyme HMGCS1 contributes to gastric cancer progression. Cancers 12(5): 1088, 2020.
- Hua, K., Chen, Y.-T., Chen, C.-F., Tang, Y.-S., Huang, T.-T., Lin, Y.-C., Yeh, T.-S., Huang, K.-H., Lee, H.-C., Hsu, M.-T., Chi, C.-W., Wu, C.-W., Lin, C.-H., and Ping, Y.-H. 2018. MicroRNA-23a/27a/24-2 cluster promotes gastric cancer cell proliferation synergistically. Oncol Lett. 16(2): 2319-2325.
- Wang, S.-F., Wung, C.-H., Chen, M.-S., Chen, C.-F., Yin, P.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Chang, Y.-L., Chou, Y.-C., Hung, H.-H., Lee, H.-C. 2018 Activated integrated stress response induced by salubrinal promotes cisplatin resistance in human gastric cancer cells via enhanced xCT expression and glutathione biosynthesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19, 3389.
- Huang, K.-H., Sung, I.-C., Fang, W.-L., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, H.-C., Yin, P.-H., Li, A.-F., Wu, C.-W., Shyr, Y.-M., Yang, M.-H. 2018. Correlation between HGF/c-Met and Notch1 signaling pathways in human gastric cancer cells. Oncol. Rep. 40(1): 294-302.
- Chen, J.-L., Ping, Y.-H., Tseng, M.-J., Chang, Y.-I., Lee, H.-C., Hsieh, R.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2017. Notch1-promoted TRPA1 expression in erythroleukemic cells suppresses erythroid but enhances megakaryocyte differentiation. Sci. Reports 7:42883.
- Chen, M.-S., Wang, S.-F., Hsu, C.-Y., Yin, P.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, H.-C., and Tseng, L.-M. 2017. CHAC1 degradation of glutathione enhances cystine-starvation induced necroptosis and ferroptosis in human triple negative breast cancer cells via the GCN2-eIF2α-ATF4 pathway. Oncotarget 8(70): 114588-114602.
- Yeh, T.-C., Huang, T.-T., Yeh, T.-S., Chen, Y.-R., Hsu, K.-W., Yin, P.-H., Lee, H.-C., Tseng, L.-M. 2016. miR-151-3p targets TWIST1 to repress migration of human breast cancer cells. PLoS One 11(12):e0168171
- Tsai, S.-Y., Chung, P.-C., Owaga, EE, Tsai, I.-J., Wang, P.-Y., Tsai, J.-I., Yeh, T.-S., Hsieh, R.-H. 2016. Alpha-mangostin from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) pericarp extract reduces high fat-diet induced hepatic steatosis in rats by regulating mitochondria function and apoptosis. Nutr. Metab. 13:88.
- Wang, S.-F., Chen, M.-S., Chou, Y.-C., Ueng, Y.-F., Yin, P.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, H.-C. 2016. Mitochondrial dysfunction enhances cisplatin resistance in human gastric cancer cells via the ROS-activated GCN2-eIF2α-ATF4-xCT pathway. Oncotarget 7(45):74132-74151.
- Hsu, K.-W., Fang, W.-L., Huang, K.-H., Huang, T.-T., Lee, H.-C., Hsieh, R.-H., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2016. Notch1 pathway-mediated microRNA-151-5p promotes gastric cancer progression. Oncotarget 7(25):38036-38051.
- Huang, T.-T., Ping, Y.-H., Wang, A.-M., Ke, C.-C., Fang, W.-L., Huang, K.-H., Lee, H.-C., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2015. The reciprocal regulation loop of Notch2 pathway and miR-23b in controlling gastric carcinogenesis. Oncotarget 6(20):18012-18026.
- Hsu, C.-C., Wu, L.-C., Hsia, C.-Y., Yin, P.-H., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S., and Lee, H.-C. 2015. Energy metabolism determines the sensitivity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells to mitochondrial inhibitors and biguanide drugs. Oncol. Rep. 34(3):1620-1628.
- Wang, A.-M., Huang, T.-T., Hsu, K.-W., Huang, K.-H., Fang, W.-L., Yang, M.-H., Lo, S.-S., Chi, C.-W., Lin, J.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2014. Yin Yang 1 is a target of microRNA-34 family and contributes to gastric carcinogenesis. Oncotarget 5(13):5002-5016
- Hsu, K.-W., Wang, A.-M., Ping, Y.-H., Huang, K.-H., Huang, T.-T., Lee, H.-C., Lo, S.-S., Chi, C.-W., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2014. Down-regulation of tumor suppressor MBP-1 by microRNA-363 in gastric carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis 35(1):208-217.
- Lee, H.-C., Huang, K.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Chi, C.-W. 2014. Somatic alterations in mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial dysfunction in gastric cancer progression. World J. Gastroenterol. 20(14):3950-3959
- Hsu, K.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Huang, K.-H, Li, A. F.-Y., Chi, C.-W., Wang, T.-Y., Tseng, M.-J., Wu, K.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2012. Activation of the Notch1/STAT3/Twist signaling axis promotes gastric cancer progression. Carcinogenesis 33(8):1459-1467.
- Tseng, Y.-C., Tsai, Y.-H., Tseng, M.-J., Hsu, K.-W., Yang, M.-C., Huang, K.-H., Li, A.F.-Y., Chi, C.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Ku, H.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2012. Notch2-induced COX-2 expression enhancing gastric cancer progression. Mol. Carcinogenesis 51(12):939-951.
- Chung, L.-Y., Tang, S.-J., Sun, G-H., Chou, T.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Yu, S.-L., Sun, K.-H. 2012. Galectin-1 promotes lung cancer progression and chemoresistance by upregulating p38 MAPK, ERK, and cyclooxygenase-2. Clin. Cancer Res. 18(15):4037-4047.
- Lin, Y.-T., Ding, J.-Y., Li, M.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Wang, T.-W., Yu, J.-Y. 2012. YAP regulates neuronal differentiation through Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway. Exp. Cell Res. 318(15):1877-1888.
- Chiu, L.-H., Yeh, T.-S., Huang, H.-M., Lu, S.-J., Yang, C.-B., Tsai, Y.-H. 2012. Diverse effects of type II collagen on osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 227(6):2412-2420.
- Lin, Y.-F., Yeh, T.-S., Chen, S.-F., Tsai, Y.-H., Chou, C.-M., Yang, Y.-Y., Huang, H.-M. 2010. Non-muscle myosin IIA (MyH9): a novel class of signal transducer mediating the activation of Gαh/PLC-δ1 pathway. Endocrinol. 151(3):876-885.
- Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Wu, C.-W., Hsu, K.-W., Liao, W.-J., Yang, M.-C., Li, A.F.-Y., Wang, A.-M., Kuo, M.-L., Chi, C.-W. 2009. The activated Notch1 signal pathway is associated with gastric cancer progression through COX-2. Cancer Res. 69(12): 5039-5048.
- Hsu, K.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Wu, C.-W., Chi, C.-W., Lee, Y.-H. W., Kuo, M.-L., Wu, K.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2009. MBP-1 suppresses growth and metastasis of gastric cancer cells through COX-2. Mol. Biol. Cell 20(24): 5127-5137.
- Hwu, Y.-M., Li, S.-H., Lee, R. K.-K., Lin, M.-H., Tsai, Y.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2009. Luteinizing hormone increases platelet-derived growth factor-D gene expression in human granulosa-luteal cells. Fertil. Steril. 92(6): 2065-2068.
- Wang, A.-M., Ku, H.-H., Liang, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-C., Hwu, Y.-M., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2009. The autonomous Notch signal pathway is activated by baicalin and baicalein but is suppressed by niclosamide in K562 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 106(4): 682-692.
- Jeng, J.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Chiu, Y.-H., Lee, Y.-C., Cheng, H.-H., Hsieh, R.-H. 2009. Linoleic acid promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and maintains mitochondrial structure for prevention of streptozotocin damage in RIN-m5F cells. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73(6): 1262-1267.
- Hsu, K.-W., Hsieh, R.-H., Lee, Y.-H. W., Chao, C.-H., Wu, K.-J., Tseng, M.-J., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2008. The activated Notch1 receptor cooperates with -enolase and MBP-1 in modulating c-myc activity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 28(15): 4829-4842.
- Hwu, Y.-M., Li, S.-H., Lee, R. K.-K., Tsai, Y.-H., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Lin, S.-Y. 2008. Increased expression of platelet-derived growth factor C messenger ribonucleic acid in uterine leiomyomata. Fertil. Steril. 89(2): 468-471.
- Jeng, J.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Lee, J.-W., Lin, S.-H., Fong, T.-H., Hsieh, R.-H. 2008. Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA copy number and expression are essential for preservation of mitochondrial function and cell growth. J. Cell. Biochem. 103(2): 347-357.
- Lin, Y.-W., Lien, L.-M., Yeh, T.-S., Wu, H.-M., Liu, Y.-L., Hsieh, R.-H. 2008. 9-cis retinoic acid induces retinoid X receptor localized to the mitochondria for mediation of mitochondrial transcription. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 377(2): 351-354.
- Hsu, K.-W., Wang, A.-M., Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author). 2008. 刻痕受體(Notch receptor)在腫瘤發生中的角色. BioMedicine 1: 17-23. (in Chinese)
- Liao, W.-R., Hsieh, R.-H., Hsu, K.-W., Wu, M.-Z., Tseng, M.-J., Mai, R.-T., Lee, Y.-H. W., Yeh T.-S. (corresponding author). 2007. The CBF1-independent Notch1 signal pathway activates human c-myc expression partially via transcription factor YY1. Carcinogenesis 28(9): 1867-1876.
- Mai, R.-T., Yeh, T.-S., Kao, C.-F. Sun, S.-K., Hwang, H.-H., and Lee, Y.-H. W. 2006. Hepatitis C virus core protein recruits nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 and coactivator p300 to relieve the repression effect of transcriptional factor YY1 on B23 gene expression. Oncogene 25(3): 448-462.
- Shen, W.-W., Liu, C.-H., Yang, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, K.-P., Yeh, T.-S., Leu, S.-J. 2006. Anti-heat shock protein 90 is increased in acute mania. Aust. N. Z. J. Psychiatry 40(8): 712-716.
- Au, H.-K., Yeh, T.-S., Kao, S.-H., Shih, C.-M., Hsieh, R.-H., and Tzeng, C.-R. 2005. Calcium-dependent upregulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells. Fertil. Steril. 84: 1104-1108.
- Au, H.-K., Lin, S.-H., Huang, S.-Y., Yeh, T.-S., Tzeng, C.-R., and Hsieh, R.-H. 2005. Deleted mitochondrial DNA in human luteinized granulosa cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1042: 136-141.
- Au, H.-K., Yeh, T.-S., Kao, S.-H., Tzeng, C.-R., and Hsieh, R.-H. 2005. Abnormal mitochondrial structure in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1042: 177-185.
- Yeh, T.-S., Ho, J.-D., Yang, V. W.-C., Tzeng, C.-R., and Hsieh, R.-H. 2005. Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulosa cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1042: 157-162.
- Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Hsieh, R.-H., Shen, S.-C., Wang, S.-H., Tseng, M.-J., Shih, C.-M., and Lin, J.-J. 2004. Nuclear II–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling. Cancer Res. 64: 8334-8340.
- Hsieh, R.-H., Au, H.-K., Yeh, T.-S., Chang, S.-J., Cheng, Y.-F, and Tzeng, C.-R. 2004. Decreased expression of mitochondrial genes in human unfertilized oocytes and arrested embryos. Fertil. Steril. 81: 912-918.
- Yeh, T.-S. (corresponding author), Lin, Y.-M., Hsieh, R.-H., and Tseng, M.-J. 2003. Association of transcription factor YY1 with high-molecular-weight Notch complex suppresses the transactivation activity of Notch. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 41963-41969.
- You, L.-R., Chen, C.-M., Yeh, T.-S., Tsai, T.-Y., Mai, R.-T., Lin, C.-H., and Lee, Y.-H. Wu. 1999. Hepatitis C virus core protein interacts with cellular putative RNA helicase. J. Virol. 73: 2841-2853.
- Yeh, T.-S., and Lee, Y.-H. W. 1998. Assembly of hepatitis delta virus particles: package of multimeric HDV genomic RNA and role of phosphorylation. Virology 249: 12-20.
- Yeh, T.-S., Lo, S. J., Chen, P.-J., and Lee, Y.-H. W. 1996. Casein kinase II and protein kinase C modulate the hepatitis delta virus RNA replication but not empty viral particle assembly. J. Virol. 70: 6190-6198.
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- 20021021 Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences: The Genome-Phenome Link (Program for Advanced Studies Institute Conference, Australia) 演講
2020年: 指導研究生王意涵榮獲「分子醫學新知研討會口頭報告競賽」--博士班第二名
- 2017年: 指導研究生陳紀琳榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--博士班第一名(解剖學學會)
- 2016年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--博士班優等獎(國立陽明大學)
- 2016年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--博士班第一名(解剖學學會)
- 2016年: 指導研究生王意涵榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第三名(解剖學學會)
- 2015年: 指導研究生黃沛恩榮獲「碩、博士班研究生壁報論文競賽」--碩士班佳作 (解剖學學會)
- 2014年: 指導研究生柯嘉琪榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班佳作 (解剖學學會)
- 2012年: 指導研究生許瓊月榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--(國立陽明大學)
- 2012年: 指導研究生王安民榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--博士班第三名(解剖學學會)
- 2011年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--佳作獎(國立陽明大學)
- 2011年: 指導研究生黃子庭榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第二名(解剖學學會)
- 2010年: 指導研究生陳盈璇榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--碩士班優等獎(國立陽明大學)
- 2010年: 指導研究生陳盈璇榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第一名(解剖學學會)
- 2009年: 指導研究生許凱文榮獲第六屆「財團法人台北市林榮耀教授學術教育基金會論文獎」--壁報展示獎
- 2009年: 指導研究生曾芸倩榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第三名(解剖學學會)
- 2008年: 指導研究生廖婉容榮獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」--佳作獎(國立陽明大學)
- 2008年: 指導研究生廖婉容榮獲「碩、博士班研究生學術論文競賽」--碩士班第一名(解剖學學會)
- 2004年: 指導研究生王淑慧榮獲「創辦人胡水旺先生獎學金」(臺北醫學大學)