Pei-Shan HOU, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
大約在三個世紀以前,Thomas Willis提出腦是使得人類具有高度認知的來源,而目前已經知道這個認知主要是由大腦新皮層所掌控。為了精準、有效率地處理來自大腦以外的大量信息,新皮層可以被分為多個功能區域,這些區域也稱為Brodmann’s區域(1909)。每個區域都具有其不可取代、獨特的功能,例如用於接收信息的第一體感覺區,或是相鄰的將指令傳出大腦驅使自主運動的第一運動區域。透過不同區域中皮層神經元的溝通連結,幫助我們處理外來訊息、驅使自主運動與認知形成。這獨特的特性在另一個角度也解釋了神經性疾病通常不會造成個體的直接死亡,相反地,神經性疾病會造成生活品質的顯著降低。然而,由於目前對大腦新皮層的了解非常有限,這不足的知識阻礙了針對神經性疾病有效治療與藥物的開發。
- 通過演化觀點揭示人類皮層發育的機轉
- 利用體外培育3D大腦類胚體,模擬神經系統疾病
- 國立臺灣大學解剖暨細胞生物學研究所 博士
- JSPS博士後研究員 2017~2019
- 日本理化學研究所博士後研究員 2016~2017
- 訪問博士後研究員 2015~2016 (科技部千里馬補助)
- 中央研究院博士後研究員 2013~2015
- 2017 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2015 MOST Postdoctoral Research Abroad Program
- 神經發育
- Pei-Shan Hou, Darren O hAilin, Tanja Vogel and Carina Hanashima. Transcription and Beyond: Delineating FOXG1 Function in Cortical Development and Disorders. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2020; 2020 Feb 25;14:35.(2020 Feb 25;14:35.):2020 Feb 25;14:35. (SCI).
- Pei-Shan Hou, Goichi Miyoshi and Carina Hanashima*. Sensory cortex wiring requires preselection of short- and long-range projection neurons through an Egr-Foxg1-COUP-TFI network. Nature Communications 2019; 2019 Aug 8;10(1):3581.(2019 Aug 8;10(1):3581.):2019 Aug 8;10(1):3581. (SCI).
- Pei-Shan Hou, Takuma Kumamoto, Carina Hanashima. A Sensitive and Versatile In Situ Hybridization Protocol for Gene Expression Analysis in Developing Amniote Brains. Methods in Molecular Biology 2017; 1650:319-334(1650:319-334):1650:319-334 (OI).
- Pei-Shan Hou, Ching-Yu Chuang, Chan-Hsien Yeh, Wei Chiang, Hsiao-Jung Liu, Teng-Nan Lin, Hung-Chih Kuo. Direct Conversion of Human Fibroblasts into Neural Progenitors Using Transcription Factors Enriched in Human ESC-Derived Neural Progenitors. Stem Cell Reports 2017; 10;8(1):54-68(10;8(1):54-68):10;8(1):54-68 (SCI).
- Hou PS, Huang WC, Chiang W, Lin WC, Chien CL. Impaired neural differentiation potency by retinoic acid receptor-α pathway defect in induced pluripotent stem cells. Cellular Reprogramming 2014; December 2014, 16(6): 467-476.(December 2014, 16(6): 467-476.):December 2014, 16(6): 467-476. (SCI).
- I-Ying Lin, Feng-Lan Chiu, Chen-Hsiang Yeang, Hsin-Fu Chen, Ching-Yu Chuang, Shii-Yi Yang, Pei-Shan Hou, Nardnisa Sintupisut, Hong-Nerng Ho, Hung-Chih Kuoemail, Kuo-I Lin. Suppression of the SOX2 Neural Effector Gene by PRDM1 Promotes Human Germ Cell Fate in Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports 2014; : (SCI).
- Ashwin S. Shetty, Geeta Godbole, Upasana Maheshwari, Hari Padmanabhan, Rahu Chaudhary, Bhavana Muralidharan, Pei-Shan Hou, Edwin S. Monuki, Hung-Chih Kuo, V. Rema, and Shubha Tole. Lhx2 regulates a cortex-specific mechanism for barrel formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013; 110(50):E4913-21(110(50):E4913-21):110(50):E4913-21 (SCI).
- Hou PS, Chuang CY, Kao CF, Chou SJ, Stone L, Ho HN, Chien CL*, Kuo HC*.. LHX2 regulates the neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells via transcriptional modulation of PAX6 and CER1. Nucleic Acids Res 2013; Epub ahead of print(Epub ahead of print):Epub ahead of print (SCI).
- Wong CW, Hou PS, Tseng SF, Chien CL, Wu KJ, Chen HF, Ho HN, Kyo S, Teng SC.. Kruppel-like transcription factor 4 contributes to maintenance of telomerase activity in stem cells. Stem Cells. 2010; : (SCI).
- Chen YT, Furushima K, Hou PS, Ku AT, Deng JM, Jang CW, Fang H, Adams HP, Kuo ML, Ho HN, Chien CL, Behringer RR. PiggyBac transposon-mediated, reversible gene transfer in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells Dev. 2010; : (SCI).